Monday, November 30, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
First Fight
The other day, the babes were in the family room playing on the floor while I was doing the dishes in the kitchen. They were playing nice when I left them, but then I started to hear them squeal. I picked up the camera and this is what I found...
Friday, November 27, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Gav Loves His Sister
The other morning, I was getting ready to take Viv to daycare and go to work (Gavin and Daddy were staying home that day). Viv was all geared up and ready to go in her car seat and so I put Gavin in his hotrod. I went to get the last few things I needed for work and I heard Gavin yelling and blowing his horn. I looked over and he had made his way over to his sister. So, I pulled him back into the family room and got back to whatever it was that I was doing. A few seconds later, Gavin was yelling and blowing his horn again- he had made his way back over to his sister once more. This time, I picked up the video camera and taped him.
He did this about 5 more times before we had to go.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Just One of Those Days
You know when you have one of those days? No, not one of those difficult days where you want to rip your hair out. And no, not one of those days when you want to cry in happiness each time you look at your offspring. No, no, no. One of those days where you dress up your baby and video tape him dancing to gangsta rap from the early 90s. One of those days. Well, today was one of those days. And, it was a good day.
Fed Up
- "Wow. You've got your hands full." (This one is the most popular.)
- Some version of: "OMG! I have twins too!/ I know someone who has twins!/ I'm a twin!"
- or "Two boys?" (because our car seats and stroller are blue- girls can have blue things too people!)
But our favorite, or should I say the most annoying, question is "are they twins?" C'mon people! Yes, they're twins! I didn't have two babies that are that close in age! They're both infants! I get it if people ask when they're older, but now? C'mon!
Even better is when we tell these strangers that we have one boy and one girl, they ask, "are they identical?" No! They're not identical! It's one BOY and one GIRL! That means that there were two separate eggs, not one that split into two. I mean, a few studies have shown that it's possible to have identical boy-girl twins, but it's extremely rare. So, yes, they're twins, and no, they're not identical.
Fed up,
Jennie and Wes
Saturday, November 21, 2009
NCA 09 in Chicago
On November 11, Wes, the babes, and I drove up to Chicago for the National Communication Association conference. It was a good conference. I presented a paper, met with a few people from the schools that I've applied to, and we all got to spend some time with friends.
During our 2.5 day stay in Chicago,
we were known to do a little of this...
... and a little of that...
... and of course, anytime we left the hotel, the babes had to be bundled because the Windy City was, well, really windy.

One of the highlights of our trip was getting to spend time with a few of our friends.

Overall, it was a great trip!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Give That Thing To Me!
Even though Gavin is done with the paci, Vivi is most certainly not. She stills loves it dearly. In the last couple of weeks, however, she hasn't wanted us to put it in her mouth. Instead, she seems to like it when we hand it to her so she can play with it and put it in her own mouth. What a big girl! Here's some evidence of her newly-discovered hobby.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Get That Thing Away From Me!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
She's a Forward-Mover
Like Gavin, Vivi has recently begun to also move forward (instead of just backwards) in their toy car.
6 Month Check Up
V & G had their six month check up yesterday. Here are the stats:
- Weight: 18lbs 7oz - 64th percentile
- Height: 27 inches - 66th percentile
- Head Circumference: 44.6 cm - 71st percentile
- Weight: 18lbs 4oz - 86th percentile
- Height: 26.5 inches - 73rd percentile
- Head Circumference: 43.6 cm - 79th percentile
*All percentiles are for their actual age, not their adjusted preemie age.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
She's an Alarm Clock
This is what we wake up to almost every single morning (you may need to turn up your volume to hear her).
Sorry it's pitch black, but I heard her talking so I just grabbed the camera. She probably would have stopped if she saw me.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
A Day in the Life of a 6-Month Old Rosier
- Sometime between 4:30 and 6:00 a.m., we wake up, drink a bottle, and go back to sleep.
- Sometime between 7:00 and 8:00 a.m., we begin babbling in bed.
- 5 minutes later, we begin fussing in bed.
- 5 minutes later, we begin screaming in bed.
- 1 second later, Mom usually gets us out of bed.
- For the next 15 minutes, we sit in my bouncer in the bathroom while Mom takes a shower.
- Then we watch Mom get ready for the day.
- After that, we get our diapers changed and pick out our clothes for the day.
- Next, we play on the floor with ALL of our toys for about 15 minutes.
- A little later, we each eat a bottle (it's probably only around 9 a.m. by now).
- For the next couple of hours, we like to alternate between sitting in our toy car and "walking" around the living room, playing on the floor with ALL of our toys, and jumping in the doorway jumper while listening to Mom or Dad or both of them sing "Do-Re-Mi" from The Sound of Music. For some reason, it's the only song that calms us both down.
- Then we get diapers changed and possibly clothes too.
- We each eat a bottle after that.
- We usually then play with Dad or Mom on the floor. Then the sequence of playing in our car, the floor, and the doorway jumper is repeated about 4 more times in between each feeding with 1-2 more naps thrown in for good measure.
- Near the end of the day, we eat this mushy stuff. We've liked some of it so far. We think we're trying peas tonight.
- Lastly, we go to sleep between 8 and 9 p.m.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Gone to NCA
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
6 Month Birthday Festivities
On their six month birthday, we gave them green beans. It was disgusting going in yesterday and it has been disgusting coming out today. These are the highlights:
All cleaned up and ready to play... and poop.
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