Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
He's a Clothes-Hater
Gavin is a clothes-hater. He could definitely do without them. If he had it his way, he would probably be naked all of the time. Whenever we change his diaper on the floor (instead of on the changing table), he quickly flips over and crawls away as fast as he can the second he's clothes and diaper free. On a typical day, Wes and I can be found chasing a naked baby around the house at least a couple of times, which is why he's a clothes-hater. And yes, those are bruises on his head. He's also an extremely active little squirt.
Friday, February 26, 2010
She's still an investigator. She must have examined the unplugged monitor cord for 30 minutes.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Sleep is...
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Maryland: February 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
And it's gone in a flash...
Gavin officially does not want anything to do with the paci. Again. He's done. It's over. The end. Until of course he wants it again.
Two Tooffs
Friday, February 19, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
In the beginning of Gavin & Vivian's life,
my newborn pictures looked a lot like Gavin...

(Photos above: that's me on the left and Gavin on the right.
Below: Gavin on the left at 1 month and
me on the right at 1 month)

... and then, as G & V got older, my 7 month pictures
began to look more and more like Vivian...

(Above: Vivi on the left at 8 months & me on the
right at 7 months. Below: me on the left at 7 months &
Vivi on the right at 8 months)

Aren't the similarities uncanny?
Monday, February 15, 2010
#37: throw a party for someone & #16: go bowling
I guess I kinda cheated with these two. I knew I was going to throw Wes' a surprise bowling birthday party in Maryland when I created my 101 in 1001 list earlier this month. Oh well!
The party was great! Wes was completely surprised. Well, he caught on to the fact that something was going on, but he had no idea what we were doing or who was involved.I told him that we were going to Iad and Brandy's house and then out to dinner. We hung out and the Alhassani's for a little bit and then piled in the car. Once we got close (or what we thought was close), I blind folded Wesley. But, then we got lost. Of course. We finally got back on track and made it to the bowling alley. Wes was shocked that we were bowling and then he was even more shocked that a lot of our friends were there too. It was a lot of fun!
Wes' parents, Tony, Philip, Jenn, and David were there too, but unfortunately, we didn't get any pics of them. After bowling, a few of us went back to Iad and Brandy's house for a few hours. All in all, it was a great 30th birthday celebration!
Check and check.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Happy Birthday Dada!
we wuv you. we wuv how you take care ov us n pway wif us all day wong. we weally wuv it when you fly us awound da woom, kiss at us, n wet us pway wif boxes n stuff. we hop you hab a gweat birfday.
wuv aways,
viv n gav
Friday, February 12, 2010
The Breakup
Patrick and Vivian have officially broken up. She left him. She decided that she was too young to be tied down. She's moved on, but unfortunately, Patrick has taken the news a little harder than anyone thought he would. He's pretty depressed about the whole thing. Poor guy.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
The Twins are NINE Months Old!
Today, Gavin and Vivian are NINE months old!
Here are their 9-month stats:
- They are both over 20 pounds! Enough said.
- Gavin and Vivian can both crawl anywhere they want to with the greatest of ease. Gavin started crawling for the first time a couple of days before his 7-month birthday and Vivian crawled for the first time about a week after her 8-month birthday. They are definitely professionals now.
- Gavin and Vivian are both climbing on things. Vivian's favorite things to climb on are the fireplace, Mommy, and Daddy. Gavin's favorite things to climb on are the fireplace, the yellow bumbo seat, the steps, the couch, and anything that looks like it would be challenging to climb. He likes a challenge.
- Gavin is pulling himself up to stand while Vivian mostly pulls herself up to kneel, but just the other day, she pulled herself up to stand on the fireplace. Vivi kneels (and a few times has stood) on the fireplace and loves it. And Gavin will pull himself up to stand all day long. He uses the cage, the fireplace, the coffee table, the couch, a laundry basket, the bumbo seat, the bouncy chairs, and anything else that he thinks will help him out.
- Gavin is officially cruising while holding onto furniture. He will pull himself up to stand and then take tiny, wobbly steps while holding on. He's not really good at it yet, but he still loves to do it.
- Vivian has recently fallen in love, with graham crackers and bitter biscuits. She LOVES them. She will suck and slobber on one until it has completely disintegrated into a gross mush, which she then eats. Whenever she's done with one or if she drops one on the floor, she SCREAMS histerically! Until of course you give her another one. Then she's fine.

- They can both also go back and forth between crawling and sitting very easily. Gavin has been doing this since mid-December and Vivian has been doing it since mid-January.
- They both like to talk. A lot. Gavin and Vivian both say "mamama," "dadada," "gagaga," and "bababa" all day long. And, they're usually yelling these sounds. They yell at each other, they yell by themselves, and they yell at us.
- Vivian's favorite toys this week: her hair brush, baby spoons, Larry Lobster, their musical nursery rhyme story book, and their "put-the-animals-to-sleep" thing (we don't really know what to call it, but she loves to slam each animal down- she just hasn't figured out how to let the animals back out).
- Gavin's favorite toys this week: a Winnie the Pooh pacifier, baby spoons, yellow bumbo seat, his red bath toy ring, and their musical nursery rhyme story book.
Happy 9-Month Birthday Vivian and Gavin!
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