Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Gavin Obsessions
For some reason, Gavin absolutely loves all things that are used to clean. Among other things, he's mildly obsessed with the vacuum, dishwasher, broom, duster, and mop. If he can get ahold of them, he will drag them around (minus the dishwasher of course) for as long as we will let him, which apparently is about 4 minutes and 10 seconds.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
She Left a Mark
As I've said before, Vivian is a biter. She bites me and Wes multiple times a day. Well, today, she bit Gavin. Really hard. So hard that he screamed in agony for a solid 10 minutes and 24 hours later, he still has bite marks on his shoulder. I'm not sure what we're going to do with our little biter.
Book Destruction
Vivian likes to eat things. Everything. Especially books and anything else that involves paper. Paper is her favorite. Unfortunately, we have had to throw away multiple books over the last few months because of her appetite for these colorful tree descendants. We are constantly fishing paper and cardboard out of her tiny little hands and out of her tiny little mouth. The books above are only two of her latest victims- she has had many. Sorry Auntie Bird, but the Bambi book has got to go.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Here in Indiana, we've had a lot of rain lately. A lot of rain. And thunder. And lightening. It's been a bit ridiculous at times. Subsequently, the pond behind our house is, well, overflowing. It hasn't reached our fence yet, but it's only about 3 feet away (the water is normally about 10-15 feet away from our fence). Even though these photos don't do the water expansion justice, I thought I'd share them anyway.
Friday, June 25, 2010
You know you're tired parents when...
... you both completely forget to celebrate or even mention your TEN YEAR dating anniversary until one of you realizes that it was a week ago.

Happy Belated Anniversary Wes!
(By the way, holy shit! I can't believe it's been TEN years!)
A Night at Our House
Dinner was eaten, baths were given, pjs were skipped, and they were ready to play.
#1: get a pedicure
I used to get pedicures ALL OF THE TIME. Seriously, if you knew me 3-4 years ago, you knew that I would get a pedicure just about every 3 weeks or so. But, when I started at Purdue and especially when I became pregnant, my pedicure experiences have become few and far between. Well, yesterday I took some time to myself and got a pedicure! It. Was. Glorious.
Click here to see the rest of my 101 in 1001 list.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
2 Babies, 1 Bouncer... Again
Back when Gavin and Vivian were a couple of months old, we put them both in one bouncy seat and it was adorable. Well, we thought that they were too big to both fit anymore. We were wrong.
Just the other day, I got out our two bouncy seats so that Wes and I could take them apart and pack them up for the big move. Apparently, Gav and Viv wanted to sit in the bouncy seat together one last time.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery
Like I said the other day, Gavin and Vivian play very differently. This post is about how Vivi plays. The majority of Vivian's playtime is spent doing things that Wes and I do. She'll copy us while we're doing something or she'll just be doing something on her own that she's seen us do at some point.
For instance, she loves to play with the laundry. She'll pick up a piece of clothing and pretend to fold it by holding onto two ends and then repeatedly putting them together. She also likes to "sort" clothes into different piles (because, let's be serious, we stopped folding clothes a long time ago; clothes in our house are now just sorted and then pushed into dresser drawers). Okay, she doesn't actually sort the clothes based on anything, but she does throw clothes into different piles.
She also likes to answer her phone. Vivi has been obsessed with our cell phones for months. Last week, I got her a toy flip phone. She LOVES it. When she opens it, the phones says, "Hello?" and then it says "Goodbye!" when she closes it. I gave it to her on the way home from the store and all I heard was, "Hello? Goodbye! Hello? Goodbye! Hello? Goodbye! Hello? Goodbye!..." During the first few days, all she would do was open and close the phone while laughing and dancing (it plays music too). But then, she started to put the phone on her shoulder (or on top of her head) and babble. It's adorable.

Viv also highly enjoys yelling at our dog, Mr. Chubbs. She'll crawl up to him and just yell (you can see Chubbs' nose on the right in the first photo below). I'm not sure if she's copying us here or not (we do tend to yell at Chubbs for various things through out the day), but she definitely loves doing it.
Lastly, Vivi likes to read to herself. Since they were itty-bitties, Wes and I would point to things in books while we read to them. Sometimes, we would take their hands and make them point to things too. Well, Vivi doesn't need our help anymore. She will go over to their book box, choose one, open it, and begin to turn the pages. At each page, she will babble some nonsense and point to things on the pages. Sometimes she only looks at one page in a book before moving onto the next one and other times she will flip through multiple pages before she's done.
Friday, June 18, 2010
i heart kelly allen (part two)

A couple of weeks ago, we had our second session (you can see the first session here) with the wonderful Kelly Allen. The photos turned out GREAT!

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