When we lived in Indiana, a typical weekend for us consisted of Wes working on Saturday, Sunday, or both days, lounging around the house, and trips to either the local zoo, park, or Walmart. Since we moved to Virginia 3.5 weeks ago, our weekends have been packed with activities. The first weekend, of course, was
the big move and both of our families were in town. The second weekend was the
First Annual Alhassani-Rosier Vacation. And this past weekend (the third weekend) was the busiest of all! On Friday morning, Wes' Mom and Dad drove down. We played with Gavin and Vivian all day and met them at Bob Evan's for breakfast on Saturday morning. Gavin and Vivian LOVED eating scrambled eggs, cantaloupe, and a few bites of a strawberry sundae! Then, we went to Target for a little shopping and Grandma couldn't resist buying G & V a couple of adorable outfits (thanks!). Grandma also gave me my belated birthday present (a TomTom!). We LOVE it and have already used it SEVERAL times (Wes even used it to find Mr. Chubbs today- another story for another time). I'm not really sure how we lived without one for so long! THANK YOU!
Grandma and Grandad left for Maryland in the middle of the day on Saturday and then Wes' brother, Uncle Phlip, made the trip down that afternoon. And, he came bearing gifts! Uncle Phlip got Vivian a precious poncho and Gavin an awesome cobra t-shirt. He also gave them a cute little polar bear bath toy. But the main attraction, which Vivian has become OBSESSED with since Saturday, were talking Elmo and Cookie Monster toys. These things are adorable. You shake them up and down so that their heads move and it makes them talk. Vivi. Is. In. Love. Don't get me wrong, Gavin loves them too, but Viv REALLY loves them- especially the Elmo one.

Uncle Phlip slept over Saturday night and then Wes, Vivi, Gav, & I packed upt he car the next morning to head down to Roanoke, VA (where my sister lives). The beginning of the 1.5 hour drive was tiresome for most of the passengers.

But everyone woke up in time to watch a little Sesame Street before we arrived at Auntie Bird's house. Meg & Joe's apartment is ADORABLE! It's so spacious and has a LOT of character. We loved it! After a tour of the apartment, we piled into our respective cars and went downtown. Meghan showed us the restaurant where she works ("202"), which was gorgeous, by the way.

The twins loved strolling around town, going into shops, and sitting in huge red hand chairs!
The day was ended with a trip to Chuck E. Cheese for pizza, games, tunnels, and a ridiculous amount of excitement from the large singing and dancing creatures on stage.
Around 8pm or so, we decided that it was time to head back north. We made it home around 9:30 and all four of us crashed. It was a busy, busy day. And to think: this weekend (our fourth weekend in VA) is going to be just as busy. Ready, set, go!