It's official. I can't wear my wedding ring anymore. I knew that this day would come; I just didn't know when it would actually happen. I guess its good that I lasted 31 weeks before I had to take it off :-)
I'm going to miss my wedding ring for the next few weeks... or months... I'm not really sure how long it will take for my hands to get back to the way they were... or close to the way they were.
Seriously people, how long does it take?
hmmm, i remember at some point over the first two weeks noticing that i could actually see tendons and such in my feet. it was surprising b/c i had forgotten they should look like that. in our easter photos on march 24 (11 days after she was born) I have on three of my four skinny bands. i couldn't wear the thickest version, all of them together, comfortably for awhile. but, then i again, i had lots of swelling with the preeclampsia. anyhow, a few weeks to a month for all the swelling in my hands to go down. wish i could have helped you shop at claire's :)
You will probably be able to fit into it sooner than you remember to or care to put it back on. Don't get me wrong, I love my wedding rings but I was too busy trying to figure out which end was up to remember to put them back on. Then, I was afraid I might scratch the munchkin with them. I don't think I started wearing them permanently again until she was about 2 months old and I had the hang of the whole nursing thing.
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