Vivian is a lady. She likes to wear dresses (okay, maybe I like it when she wears dresses), she's not very messy, she doesn't always have to be burped when she eats, she doesn't puke, she likes her mouth to be dabbed instead of wiped, and she
absolutely positively hates farting. Yep, you read correctly, she hates cutting the cheese. Anytime Vivian toots a little toot, she whines or cries. Sometimes she'll let out a brief squeal and sometimes she'll scream incessantly. Nevertheless, every single time that she passes a little gas, it's followed by some unhappy noise on her part. And, the face that accompanies this noise looks like she's embarrassed by it ("Oh my, sorry about that"), shocked ("I can't believe that just happened!"), or disgusted with herself ("Ewwww"). Like many things in our life right now, this is quite comical to us. Whenever she does it, we think to ourselves, "She's such a cute little lady."
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