Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
It's Ba-aack!
In case you haven't noticed already, the paci has somehow made it's way back into Gavin's life. The funny part is that he doesn't use it to pacify himself. He just plays with it ALL DAY LONG- chewing on every part of it. Whenever he's on the move (which is almost always), he sticks it in his mouth and carries it with him to the next location. He also like to put it in his mouth, bite down really hard and then pull it out of his mouth while still biting so that it makes a popping noise. Unfortunately, whenever he's sad, angry, or sleepy, the paci does us no good. He just wants to play with it, on his own terms.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Drama, drama, drama
Our kids are dramatic. It's actually quite ridiculous just how dramatic they truly are. Whether it's Vivian yelling at the top of her lungs because Gavin took a toy from her or Gavin flailing backwards out of your arms because he doesn't want to be held, they are considerably excessive, always over the top, and usually unreasonable in their behaviors.
Vivian has been known to scream and squirm as if I am pulling off her finger nails one-by-one each and every time I try to wipe her nose, flap her arms up and down in a fit of rage while yelling and crying if I put her down too soon after just waking up, and throw herself backwards into whatever is behind her to show that she absolutely does not want to do whatever it is that she is doing. That last one usually ends in a screaming fit when she hurts herself.
Gavin is also quite dramatic. For instance, Gavin will sit cross-legged, fold himself in half (with his face on the floor), and scream incessantly if you put him to bed when he's not ready and he'll scream bloody-murder if you take him away from any electrical cords or plugs that he has worked so hard to get close to ("He's an Electrician" post to come).
In the end, I guess we're just going to have a couple of dramatic kids. I wonder who they get this trait from?
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Viv had something to say
This was the scene the other day when Gavin and Vivian were playing together. Apparently, Vivian needed to tell Gavin something. And, she needed to say it very loudly.
Monday, January 25, 2010
January Photobooth Fun
Unfortunately, we forgot to take photo booth pics in November and December, but we made it in January.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Nightly Entertainment
Many nights at the Rosier house are spent playing with Chubbs while the kids squeal and laugh. They are easily amused by him. It's hilarious.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Viv's New Thing
Since Viv has started crawling just a few short days ago, she has also become enamored by the fireplace. Just the other day, she crawled up to it and pulled herself up to a kneeling position. She was very happy with herself. Since then, she has done this repeatedly and has become quite skilled.
Friday, January 22, 2010
forgotten videos
Recently, I found a few old videos (from Nov and Dec) that I never posted. Here's one...
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Vivi Fights Back
Over the last couple of days, we have witnessed Vivian combatting Gavin's rudeness with a little of her own.
Example one:
- Gavin crawled up to Vivian to take her toy as usual. He got up to her, grabbed her toy, and began to crawl away. Vivian then smacked him in the face. Hard. We're not sure if she meant to actually hurt him or if she was just trying to grab the toy back, but she was not going to be bullied anymore. Gavin cried and cried after being hit.
Example two:
- Gavin crawled up to Vivian and sat next to her. He didn't try to take her toys this time. Instead, he just sat VERY close to her and played with the toys she was playing with (but he didn't take them). She looked at him, screamed, and pushed him over with both hands. Gavin fell over and cried.
I'm not sure how you teach 8-month-olds how to share or how to be nice or how to not hit one another, but we should probably figure something out soon or we could have two kids with two black eyes if this persists.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
He's a Rude Boy
Gavin is a bit of a rude boy. Since he has become mobile, he does whatever he wants, whenever he wants. This includes tackling his sister for the wipes or crawling up to her, taking her toy, and then crawling away from her with her toy in his mouth or hand. And that's not even the worst of it. Gavin has also begun crawling directly over Vivian if she is in his path of destruction. What can I say, he's a rude boy.
(By the way, I did not position them like this. This
really happened. Gavin was beginning to crawl
over Viv and I just grabbed the camera.)
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
He's a Good Sleeper (Part Four)
I've been meaning to blog about how good of a sleeper Gavin is for the last couple of weeks. He's been going to bed around 7:30 and not waking up until 7 or 7:30 the next morning pretty consistently for a few weeks now. It is wonderful. Especially when we have this other baby who won't give us just ONE night where she sleeps for more than 6 or 7 hours straight (I know, we shouldn't complain, but when she goes to bed at 7:30, 6 or 7 hours later is the middle of the night!). So anyways, I was going to thank Gavin publicly for his good sleeping ways, and then he did this.
Just another example of how he can sleep anywhere.
He's such a good little sleeper.
previous three posts about Gavin being a good sleeper.
Monday, January 18, 2010
She can do anything...
... he can do better. She can do anything better than him. Today, Vivi crawled. I know I said that she crawled on her 8 month birthday, but apparently, that was just a little sneak peek. Today, she crawled for real.
We're in BIG trouble now.
She's a Collar-Popper
Sunday, January 17, 2010
He's a Slime-Bucket
Saturday, January 16, 2010
She's a Cover Girl

I don't know about you, but Vivi sure is the cutest
Cover-Girl-in-the-making that I've ever seen.
Friday, January 15, 2010
He's a Curtain-Fondler
Gavin is a curtain-fondler. He has only recently taken up this new hobby. He likes to crawl over to the curtains and play in them.

He loves them, which is why Gavin is a curtain-fondler.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
She's a Kissy-Face
Vivi is a kissy-face. She has always loved it when we blew kisses in her direction, but now she gives kisses too. She does it all of the time. We'll be playing, she'll look up at me or Wes, and she'll do this cute kissy-face (which looks like a traditional fish-face) at us. She also makes the kissing noise. It's adorable. Unfortunately, it's really hard to get on video. Somehow, we got a photo of her making the face. And, here it is...

Vivi is definitely a kissy-face.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
He's a Standing Expert
Gavin is a standing expert. He LOVES to crawl up to the fireplace, pull himself up, and stand. He also like to pull as many toys off the fireplace as possible while standing. He will do this over and over and over and over and over and... you get the picture.
Gavin is definitely a standing expert.
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