Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Twins are EIGHT Months Old!

Today, Gavin and Vivian are EIGHT months old!

Here are a few stats for their 8-month bday.
  • Gavin and Vivian can both sit up unassisted. Gavin has gone pro while Vivi is still semi-pro.
  • Gavin is now eating puffs (little melt-a-way snacks for babes). He tries so hard to pick them up and put them in his own mouth, but unfortunately, the boy has pretty bad hand-eye coordination when it comes to tiny things. So, I put the puffs in my fingers and he moves towards me and chomps on them. He loves it.
  • Vivian has always loved it when we've made kissy faces and kissy noises in her direction. Interestingly, she has begun to copy us in the last week or so. It's adorable. Her kissy face looks like she's trying to make a traditional fish face. And then she moves her lips from side to side while sucking in air until she hears the sound that she loves so much.
  • Gavin is crawling. Everywhere. He's really good at it. And he knows it. Gavin can also go from crawling to sitting and from sitting to crawling on his own.
  • Vivian just crawled for the first time this morning. Shit.
  • Gavin is obssessed with the dog bed. He crawls over to it constantly. He gets in it, plays with Mr. Chubbs' toys, and sometimes pukes in it. We try to get him to leave it alone, but as you know, he's a determined little man. Needless to say, we've been washing Chubbs' bed every few days now.
  • Vivian yells (i.e. talks very loudly) all day long. She yells at her feet, she yells at Gavin, she yells at her toys. She sounds like a monster. A cute, precious little monster. She has also been making consonant sounds lately. She will yell "dadadadadadadadada."
  • Gavin is now pulling himself up on things. He likes to crawl up to the fireplace, bouncy seat, basket, steps, etc and pull himself up to stand. He doesn't stand very well, but he sure does try. Even though she can't really crawl yet, Vivian is also pulling herself up on things. Except she is pulling herself up on her knees-- no feet yet.
  • Vivian has now begun reaching out to us. If she wants us to pick her up, she'll make some noise and hold her arms out.
  • Gavin is enthralled by Chubbs. He LOVES to watch him run, eat, and sneeze. He drives up to Chubbs while he's eating and just stares. He giggles whenever Chubbs runs past him. And, he loves to watch Chubbs sneeze. Not really sure why, but he smiles everyt ime Chubbs does it.

Happy 8-Month Birthday G & V!


Rebecca D. said...

I love this post! They are so cute. Crawling?!?! Crawling!?! Oh my :) I am so excited for them. Have you purchased a gate yet? We have one we aren't using if you want to borrow it.

Jennie said...

thanks rebecca! my mom is actually sending us one ;-)

we can't wait til it gets here!