Saturday, June 20, 2015

Rex ~ 15 days old

Our Week: June 15-19

Adjusting to "Brand New Baby"

Paxton has had a difficult time adjusting to our new life with Rex. Even when I was pregnant, he was having trouble. For instance, when we set up the crib, Pax wanted to play in it, sleep in it, climb in it, and "be a baby" in it several times a day for a couple of weeks. Then, when we took the bouncy seat and carseat out, Paxton wanted to sit in them repeatedly; covering himself up with blankets and needing his paci.

Things have gotten a bit worse since Rex has arrived. When I was in the hospital, Wes and Paxton came to visit each day while the twins were at school. Paxton was extremely defiant and overly sensitive and emotional-- like crying over not being able to jump up and down on the hospital bed or squeal at the top of his lungs while running up and down the hallway or only getting two treats from the vending machine and not 37 treats. It was a frustrating time for everyone involved. Then Rex and I came home. Paxton has continued to be defiant, whiny, and emotional. I guess its more difficult for us because this is not our typical loving, cuddly Paxton. The not listening is the worst part. Or maybe its the crying. Or the whining. Okay, it's everything.

It's very clear to us that all of these things are Rex-related. How do we know? Well, Paxton has subtly let us know that he is less-than-estatic about our new family member's arrival. One, he doesn't call Rex by his name. Instead, he calls him "brand new baby." Just about whenever he talks to him or about him. Instead of saying, "You're so cutie, Rex," he'll say, "You're so cutie, brandy new baby." It's funny and adorable, but it's also his little way of showing his disapproval. Don't get me wrong, he's not mean to Rex. He also clearly loves Rex; kissing him and telling him that he's so "cutie cutie," but he's torn between his feelings of love for Rex and feelings of sadness for not being the baby anymore.  Paxton has also only asked to hold Rex a handful of times in the last three weeks while his siblings beg to hold him about a dozen times a day each.

We think he'll be fine, but it's going to be a tough road ahead. We're just hoping that this phase ends soon.

Saturday, June 6, 2015