Friday, January 30, 2009

It's Official

Yesterday morning, I woke up and felt a little poke in my side. I didn't think anything of it and continued snuggling with Toto in bed. A few minutes later, I felt it again! Then, it completely stopped and I didn't feel anything else. I thought that it might have been Ralph, but I still wasn't sure. The entire day passed with no punching, no kicking, no movement.

Later that evening, we ate dinner, I laid on the couch, and then I felt it again! This time, I knew it was Ralph. Ralph continued to kick and punch and swim for the next ten minutes. It was glorious. Wes and I are so excited to see what's next...

(click here to read the story of Ralph)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ralph's Ribbon Mobile

Step 1: buy some ribbon & a wooden embroidery circle.
Step 2: cut ribbon to desired size.

Step 3: glue ribbon to inside embroidery circle.
Step 4: attach outside embroidery circle to inside circle.

A unique mobile for Ralph's nursery!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Banana Bana Fo Fana

This week (week 21), Ralph is the size of a banana (from head to rump), with an average weight of 12.7 ounces and an average length of 10.5 inches.  Ralph's legs are becoming proportionate to his or her body and he or she is using those legs to kick and do summersaults. I'm sure I'll be feeling Ralph in no time...

(click here to read the story of Ralph)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

140 Days To Go & the Crib is Ready!

We know it's a bit early, but Ralph's crib is officially ready :-)

Thanks for the crib Linda!

(click here to read about the name Ralph)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Half Way There!

Yowza! Today marks the end of week 20! Wes and I cannot believe that we're half way there already! In just 20 weeks (give or take a couple of weeks), we'll get to meet Ralph and give him or her a proper name...

(click here to read about the name Ralph)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The End of an Era

As many of you know, I have been extremely resistant to updating my beloved cell phone for the last 7 or 8 years. I love my old Nokia. The battery life is amazing, it has a really simple design, and most importantly, it works! I've dropped it more times than I can count, even in water, and it's kept on ticking. Well folks, the time has come. 

This Christmas, my mom bought me a new cell phone. When she asked me what kind of phone I wanted, I said anything that had speaker phone and a camera. Oh yeah, and it couldn't be a space-phone, the kind that so many of you have. I'm a simple girl who likes her simple electronics (which is why I'm a Mac user). Here it is: my new Nokia! Thanks mom!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Doin' the Mango Tango

This week, we're doin' the mango-tango. The start of week 19 has brought us a little one the size of a mango. Ralph is now about a half a pound (i.e. about 8 ounces), which is a lot considering that just three weeks ago, Ralph was only about 3 ounces!

I had a doctor's appointment today and everything is right on track. I have a normal blood pressure and weight, Ralph's heartbeat is strong, and we scheduled our ultrasound for February 12th! Everything seems to be moving along quite nicely!

(click here to read about the name Ralph)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Did I mention...

... that I'm only 18 weeks along?

It's so big already!
At least to me it is :)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Story of Ralph

Some of you may have heard me or Wes call our baby "Ralph" in recent months. And, if you didn't get the back-story, you were probably a bit confused. Well, here it is:

My dad was always really bad at remembering people's names. He would always remember you, just not your name. When I was little and would have different friends over to the house, my dad could rarely remember their names. So, instead of saying "hey, what's-your-name," he would call everyone "Ralph," including me and my sister at times. Being little girls, we all thought that it was hysterical that he would call us by a boy name, and an ugly boy name at that (sorry to any of you out there named Ralph). This was such a frequent occurrence that anyone who grew up with us (like Rachel pictured with me and my sister below) likely remembers my dad yelling "hey Ralph!"
When Wes and I found out that we were going to have our own little one and then decided not to find out the sex of the baby, it only seemed natural to call him or her Ralph.

So, in case you were wondering, that's "The Story of Ralph."

Friday, January 9, 2009

Belated Congratulations!

On Christmas day, one of my favorite individuals on this planet got engaged to her boyfriend of 8+ years. Wes and I wanted to give a belated congratulations to Steph & Tony from the bottom of our hearts! We know that you two will have an incredible, love-filled marriage for many decades to come! Let the wedding planning begin! (just kidding Tony...haha)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

An Afternoon Smoothie

I've been writing all day and needed a snack. Last week, I got this cute little mixer for Christmas, so I decided to test it out.

One scoop of whipped cream cheese, 8 strawberries, & a handful of grapes later...

...I had a delicious afternoon treat! Thanks Rosier fam!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009