Tuesday, July 31, 2012

July Facebook Posts

July 3
Gavin (talking to Vivi about the toy car she is playing with): "The engine is dead, Vivi!"

Vivi: "No! It not!"
Gavin: "Yes! The engine is dead! You have to lift the hood and look inside!"
Vivi: "No! Leave me alone!"
Gavin: "It dead, Viv! Look inside now or your car will be stuck on the road FOREVER!"

July 8
Vivi: "Mommy! He keeps looking at me!"
Me: "It's ok, Viv. He can look at you."
Vivi: "No! I don't want to see his face! It yuck!" (then to Gavin) "STOP looking at me!!!"
Me: "Gavin, just stop looking at her."

Is this really starting already?

July 12
Pax fell asleep on the couch in his boppy. I left the room for all of 30 seconds and Pax started screaming. When I ran back in, I found Pax with a cold, wet baby wipe covering his face and a certain toddler hiding under a pillow.

Can you guess which toddler was the culprit? Yes, I'm sure you're right.

July 13
Something about Gavin that surprises a lot of people (because he's so "active" and "spirited") is that he is mildly obsessed with puzzles. He's willing to sit still (gasp!) for a long time (upwards of 30 minutes!) to do them and he's actually really good at them. 

He got a new puzzle last night and has completed it without any help from anyone several dozen times so far.NOT surprisingly (the kid loves attention), he has requested that we cheer him on this morning while he works on his puzzle.Gavin (to me): "Say 'Go, Gavin, Go' to me. I so good at this. I can do it. Look at me go! Say 'Go, Gavin, Go' Mama!"

I don't think we're going to have many self-esteem issues with this one.

July 13
Any tips for getting a cute little girl to stop hitting her brother when he clearly deserves it? Seriously, how do I tell her not to hit when I was thinking about bopping him myself?

Ah, the tribulations of parenting.

July 13
Viv was running this morning and ran her side into the corner of the coffee table, injuring herself pretty badly. When she was done screaming, we had this conversation:

Me: "Aww, Viv. That must of hurt."
Viv: "Yeah, I hurt my tummy. I need a TUMS."

That's good logic when you really think about it.

July 14
Me: "We're going to get ice cream for my birthday!"
Vivian: "No, we getting ice cream for my mouth."
Vivian: "I not a farmer! I a Vivian!"

July 22
Me: "Who's hand do you want to hold in the store?"
Vivi: "I hold GG's hand."
Me: "Okay. Gavin, who's hand do you want to hold? GG, Max, Daddy, or Mommy?"
Gavin: "I hold Vivian hand."
Vivian: (to Gavin) "Okay. But you gonna listen to me, right?"

July 22
V: "Gavin, it just a wittle buzzy bee. If you nice, you can pet him."

July 23
Me: "You know, Pax is going to be big like you one day."

Gav: "No! I want Pax to stay wittle. He so cute when he wittle. I want Pax to stay wittle forever."

Sunday, July 29, 2012


Gavin and Vivian have found a new love.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Paxton's Two Month Check Up

Thursday was Paxton's two month check up (he was really already 9 weeks old) and everything looked great! He weighed in at a whopping 14lbs 1oz (between the 75th and 90th percentile) and he was 23.75 inches long (the 75th percentile). Remember, he was 6lbs 15oz and 19 inches at birth. Needless to say, he's growing just fine.

He was a very happy baby; smiling and cooing at everyone he saw. Until it was time for his shots. I forgot how terribly sad a baby getting immunized was. He was pretty fussy that evening and puked a lot, but after some Tylenol, he slept for a good 7 hours straight (which was sweet!). Totally worth it.

Friday, July 27, 2012

More Art

Materials needed: 
A canvas
Spray bottle filled with water

Step One: Paint very thick vertical strokes

 Step Two: Spray with water so paint will drip down canvas.
Step Three: Repeat steps one and two to your liking.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

A Whirlwind Weekend

My mom and Max came down for a visit this past weekend. And boy, did we do a lot! Friday afternoon was spent at a "Lawn Party" (a fair) in Bridgewater (where we used to live). Unfortunately, the rides hadn't started yet, but there was tons of food. And a few games to play.

(Yes, Vivian is wearing a superhero cape and mask. She wore it for about an
hour before Gavin took it and decided that he needed to wear it).

G & V absolutely LOVED shooting the gun in this game.

Saturday morning, Max and GG came over for some
playtime before we went to the Dayton Farmer's Market. 

Oh yeah, did I mention that Paxton is smiling a lot more lately? 
He is. And it's adorable.

We bought dark chocolate covered raisins and strawberry-rhubarb jam at the market.

The twins loved playing with the train set.

After the farmer's market, we went out for lunch and then to a car show.

Gavin was in love with the "big trucks"!

We went out to dinner on Saturday night to the Texas Steakhouse, which the kids love because of the peanuts (and because they get to throw the shells on the floor).

Bread monster!

Sunday morning, we went out for breakfast and then swimming at GG & Max's hotel.

 It was the perfect end to a whirlwind weekend!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


We painted last week. And yes, I got this idea from Pinterest.

The finished products!