Thursday, July 5, 2012

Visiting the Richelsens

On Tuesday, we drove up to MD to visit the Richelsens and go to our traditional Fourth of July celebration at the Milligans' the next day.

Wes took Gavin to a playground nearby for a little while so that Aunt Stephie, Vivian and I could make cupcakes!

At one point, Viv dropped an egg.

Much of the visit was spent chasing around their 3.5-pound Teacup Yorkie, Pixie. Vivian REALLY wanted to pet her, hold her, and in general, just love her to pieces.
 (Viv actually got ahold of her one time and carried
her around for a bit. It was adorable.)

Of course, Paxton was well-behaved.

Wes, the twins, and Tony played in the garage and Tony broke out the mother of all vacuums for Gavin- a Shop Vac.

And of course Aunt Stephie was attacked by Vivian the Kiss Monster.

The next morning, we went to Dunkin' Donuts! Vivi requested a pink donut and Gavin asked for a blue one, but there was only pink. So they split it.

Before we left for the Milligan's house, the kiddos got to throw a bunch of poppers Wesley got last week.

 "I did it!"

"More pwease!"

Before we left, it was time for the obligatory group photos.
Me, Steph, and the kiddos:

Our family of five:

 The Richelsens and Rosiers:
Thank you SO MUCH for having us over!
We had a LOT of fun and can't wait to see you two again!

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