Saturday, December 31, 2011

December 26th

When the kiddos woke up on Monday morning, they thought that Santa had come again, asking if their presents were downstairs. After bursting their bubble, they remembered all of their new toys and quickly ran downstairs to play.

GG had a fun holiday craft planned for the morning. Gavin and Vivian were very excited and couldn't wait for the crafting to begin.

And then it was time to start.

That afternoon, the Rosiers came back over and we watched a movie, ordered pizza, played with toys, and relaxed. It was a nice end to a hectic couple of days.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Afternoon

We got G & V dressed in their Christmas clothes after their nap and brought them downstairs. They quickly gravitated towards their new ride-on fire truck and race car from Linda and Ted. And then they got to work opening all of their other gifts. They were super-pumped, yelling "Santa!" and "Presents!" over and over again. (Note: I don't have many pics of Gavin because he was insane. He was moving around so quickly opening presents that I could barely get him in any photos.)

A crazy turn table, music played thingy from their Auntie Bird was a BIG hit!

Christmas day was lots of fun at the Rosier house. The day after Christmas was fun, too. Post to come...

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Morning 2011 (part two)

After opening presents, the kiddos played with their new things while Wes and I made scrambled eggs, French toast, and strawberries for breakfast.

We even put a little whip cream on their breakfast as a Christmas treat.
Vivi loved her new hat and shoes so much that she wore them for most of the day (including to bed for nap time). She even named her hat, "Fluffy" (which she pronounces "fwuffy").

Right before the kiddos went down for their nap, my mom came over and gave them a special present.

It was a book (a copy for each of them) that she made called, "We are Twins." The book is ridiculously precious, with photos and stories about them through out. They love the book- especially the page that says, "We share everything. I eat your peas. You eat my peas."

Once G & V fell asleep, I got the hot chocolate bar and appetizers ready for the rest of the Christmas day guests (which included Philip, Linda, Ted, Meghan, and Joe).

When all of the grandparents arrived, they put all of the presents under the tree and around the living room. 

Everything was ready for the kiddos. We just had to wait until they woke up...

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

It's really just a numbers game

4- the number of years that Wes and I have been married

32- the number of play bracelets and necklaces in our playroom

3- the number of blocks that our new house is away from my job

30-  the number of months G & V have been on this planet

5- the average number of soy milk half-gallons we go through in a week

5:30am- the average time that G & V wake up in the morning

70- the average number of diapers we use in a week

54- the number of books G & V have in their library

11.5- the number of years that Wes and I have been dating

5- the number of cars we own

164- the number of days until Baby #3's due date!