Wednesday, December 7, 2011

"I pooping right now!"

Gavin and Vivian have been known to say whatever they can to get us to stay with them until they fall asleep at the end of a long bedtime routine. Their door has a child lock on the inside that they are unable to open and we shut their door when we leave, so many of these things are yelled under the door from within.

Last night was a first.

Gavin had decided that he did not want me to leave, so he quickly ran up to the door when I closed it. He laid down on the floor at the door and yelled the following to me:

"Mom, come back! I pooped. Come change me! I pooping right now! Hurry! Come back, Mom! I pooping lot right now! Look! Poop!"


This kid is not only terribly hilarious, but damn creative. I can back in after I collected myself to find no poop as expected.

What will they come up with next?

1 comment:

ashley.and.graham said...

E has pulled the potty card a few times in her life, too. it is the all-time trump card -- nothing can beat it! how do they know that? he's a smart one.