Saturday, September 12, 2015

Rex Tidbits

I haven't written much down about our fourth child, Rex Wesley. I've taken tons of photos and Instagrammed the day away with photos of him, but I really need to write down some of his little quirks from his first three months of life. So, here we go...

Rex loves to be carried in the Ergobaby carrier and the MobyWrap. And he's loved it since he was about a week old. I baby wear him at least once each day. Wrapping him can easily calm him or even put him to sleep.

Rex loves Vivian. He responds to her differently than he does with Gavin and Paxton. He's calm with her. He smiles when he sees her and he notices when she comes close to him. They definitely have a special bond.

Rex coughs to let us know he's hungry or tired or needs something. It's actually quite sweet. He starts his fussing with a little cough. It's like he knows I'll help him and crying is extreme, so he just coughs for the first few minutes to let me know he needs something. Don't get me wrong, if we don't get him what he needs after a few minutes, the coughing turns into full-blown screaming. The warning is nice.

Rex needs quiet time around 6:30pm. Every. Single. Day. He begins his cough warning around 6:20 each night. I take him upstairs, turn on the noise machine, change his diaper, get him in his footed PJs, and wrap him up in a swaddle. Then we sing, talk, and he nurses until he falls asleep around 6:45-7pm. It's the same thing every night. If we try to keep him downstairs or out of the house past 6:30pm, he freaks out. He's a creature of habit.

Those are just a few things we've learned about our little Rex Wesley.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Monday, August 17, 2015

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

July Doctor Appointments

Every person in our family (except Wes) went to the doctor for a check-up in July. I went in for my 6-week post-op appointment and everything was fine. Paxton went in for his three year old check up and he flipped his shit. He freaked out and wouldn't let the doctor do anything. Subsequently, we don't know how much he weighs, how tall he is, what his blood pressure was, or if his heart is beating. Poor kid. He was extremely emotional that day about Rex and me. It was definitely a bad day for the doctor.

The twins went in with Wes for their six year old check up. They have gained a few pounds and grown about an inch each in the last year. Interestingly, Vivian has 20/20 vision in one eye and 20/10 in the other. Gavin, on the other hand, has 20/10 vision in both eyes. We knew we called him Hawk-Eye for a reason.

Because of vacations and availability, Rex went in for his two month check up about ten days before he actually turned two months old. At birth, Rex was 7lbs 6oz and at his check up he was 10lbs 15oz! In terms of length, he was 19.25 inches at birth and 21.75 inches at his check up! Much to my dismay, he is growing like a weed!

The Week Before the Lake

The week before we left for our two week Smith Mountain Lake vacation was ridiculously busy. Gavin had Jedi Training camp for three hours each day, Vivian had Pottery camp for three different hours each day, Rex turned 8 weeks old on Tuesday, Wes took Paxton to Pump It Up, we went to Riven Rock one more time on Wednesday, I had to go to work for two days to get started on my third year review portfolio, I got a hair cut, and Wes and I had a long list of last minute things to get done before we left. It was insane. Here are some pics from the week.