Wednesday, September 30, 2009

They've Really Got a Hold on Us

(All video clips from August and September 2009)

They're F-ing Adorable

Wes and I just can't seem to get enough of these two...

Monday, September 28, 2009

Any Parent of Twins' Dream

A 4 hour nap in the middle of the day!

Fun Times at the Rosier House

Don't judge us.
(btw, it's a sock)

First "Fort"

Sunday, September 27, 2009

They're Big Kids!

The other day, we took the twins on a walk to the local video store. Except this time, we didn't put them in their car seats that hook into the stroller. Instead, we put them in the stroller like big kids. They loved it.

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Saturday, September 26, 2009

He's a Babble Baby

Gavin has always been a noisy SOB, but he's recently become a babble baby too. In the last few days, he has begun to babble rather loudly for 10-20 minute stretches. It's ridiculously hilarious. Once he starts, he won't shut up until he's done. It doesn't matter if you talk back or if you're quiet. This episode below happened in the waiting room at the doctor's office.

Friday, September 25, 2009

3 Things

This is an excerpt from one of my dearest friend Marti's blog. Marti, by the way, is quoting our other friend Beth's blog. (The purple is from Beth's blog and the blue is from Marti's blog)---------------------------------------THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2009

My Three Things

Today I'm obsessed with
1.'s sale section
2. making lists (and crossing things off)
3. Twitter as a news source.

My friend Martha and I often go weeks without catching up. We are friends from Grad School and miss talking, but are so busy that it's just difficult to make time to cover everything. We have an answer. We might not have thirty minutes to chat, but everyone has 30 seconds to make a quick list. She and I trade our hot list - what we're obsessed with at the moment. Sometimes she starts it, sometimes I do - but usually one of us comes away with a new idea, a craving, a product recommendation, and most definitely a smile! And just think: no one gets call-screened because the other one is too busy to talk (wink wink).

PS - her list was 1. gobstopper Valentine heart candy, 2. Carolina basketball, and 3. sleeping with the window open.
I agree that Beth is a genius. The other day, Marti sent me this list:
1. sleepovers
2. butternut squash for dinner
3. Nexus brand mousse

To which I responded:
1. curb your enthusiasm
2. dove dark chocolate bites
3. searching for a new blog design
What are YOUR three things? Seriously, I wanna know.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Little Friendly Competition

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Just to be clear: Wes and I are not those parents who are obsessed with whether or not our kids are meeting all of the "appropriate" developmental milestones. We don't really care if they learn to walk at 10 months or if they don't start walking until they're 18 months. We just want them to be happy and healthy. They'll learn stuff when they want to learn stuff. But, we have begun to notice a little friendly competition between the twins. And, by "friendly competition," I mean "Wes and I taking bets on which twin will do what first." Not to give Gavin a complex or anything, but Viv has been beating him on most things. Here's the breakdown:

First consistent eye contact: Vivian by a long shot
First to be able to eat on own (without a feeding tube): Vivian
First to grasp a toy: Vivian
First to sleep through the night: Vivian
First to consistently open hands (they fist them a lot when they're born): Gavin
First to focus on a toy: Vivian
First to lift head up: Vivian
First to get first cold: Gavin
First to like the bath: Gavin
First to bring hands to mouth: Vivian
First to suck a thumb: Vivian
First to roll over: Gavin
First to react to mom or dad's face: Vivian
First smile: Gavin
First laugh: Gavin
First to "coo": Vivian

Okay, so that's Gavin 6 and Vivian 10. Not like we're keeping score or anything.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Holy Shit, I Did It!

On Wednesday, September 23, 2009, I successfully made steak for dinner! I've never been able to make a good steak, but thanks to some excellent advice from my sous chef sister, I made two damn good steaks tonight! Yum!

4 Month Checkup

Yesterday was Gavin and Vivian's four month check up (I know, I know; they turned 4 months old 2 weeks ago!). Everything looks great. Here are the stats:
  • Gavin is 25 14/ inches long & Vivian is 24 1/4 inches tall.
  • Gavin's head circumference is 42.6 cm and Vivian's is 42.3 cm.
  • Gavin now weighs 15lbs 4oz (that's a 10lbs 7oz weight gain since birth) and Vivian weighs 15lbs 2oz (that's a 10lbs 5oz weight gain since birth)! It's crazy.
  • And based on their superb head control, the doc also approved them to begin eating rice cereal.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

On The Floor

Gavin and Vivian like to be on the floor together. We usually lay down a blanket, turn on one of the music channels (smooth jazz or solid gold oldies), and let them roll around with a few of their toys (usually Patrick Peacock and Olivia Owl). They love it. They kick and squirm and coo and squeal. Here are some pictures from our most recent floor exercise session. As you can see, they don't sit still for pictures very well.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Hangin' with Dad

Vivian loves hangin' out with her Daddy.
A lot has changed sine the last time
we blogged about this.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Made with Love

Over the last 4 months or so, Gavin and Vivian have received a number of handmade gifts from their friends. In particular, we've been given custom adorable burp cloths and precious little blankies from Ashley, two gorgeous knitted blankets (one green and one purple) from Pam, and an extremely detailed and beautiful quilt from Kristi. We are so thankful for these three ladies spending so much of their time making something for our kids. We love these presents and will cherish them forever.

First, there are Pam's knitted wonders.

Then, there are Ashley's burp cloths and blankies.
(Picture above by Ashley)

Last, but certainly not least, our friend Kristi made Gavin and Vivian an incredibly gorgeous quilt out of various green, purple, and blue patterned fabric. It must have taken her forever!

Thanks Pam, Ashley, & Kristi!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

September Photobooth Fun

Every month, Wes and I have taken the kids up to the mall for a little photo booth fun. Here are the terribly scanned photos from September 19th.
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Friday, September 18, 2009

They're Hungry Hungry Hippos

Gavin and Vivian are both hungry hungry hippos. When they want to eat, they want to eat. They're very demanding. Sometimes it's like they haven't eaten in days. And if they're both hungry at the same time- watch out! How do you think they've gotten so damn chubby? They've each gained over 10lbs since birth... which was only 4 months ago. Even though they just seem to eat and eat and eat... and eat, we love our hungry hungry hippos.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

She's a Siren

Vivian is a siren. Not only is she a little flirtatious from time to time, but the sounds that she makes are sometimes a bit alarm-like. When she's upset, her cry will start off quiet and then slowly increase it's volume like a siren. It's like she's sending out a warning: "I'm gonna loose it very soon if you don't come get me!" Thus, Vivi is a siren.

He's a Maniac

Gavin is a maniac. Check out this video and you'll know what we mean. It's one of his new favorite things to do...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Gavin laughed for the first time today. It was glorious.

Gone Swimmin'

Yesterday, we took the twins to the local YMCA for the first time to go swimming. They loved it. Gavin puked a few times while we were in the pool and Vivian pooped on me in the shower after we got out of the pool, but other than that, a great time was had by all.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009