Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Little Friendly Competition

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Just to be clear: Wes and I are not those parents who are obsessed with whether or not our kids are meeting all of the "appropriate" developmental milestones. We don't really care if they learn to walk at 10 months or if they don't start walking until they're 18 months. We just want them to be happy and healthy. They'll learn stuff when they want to learn stuff. But, we have begun to notice a little friendly competition between the twins. And, by "friendly competition," I mean "Wes and I taking bets on which twin will do what first." Not to give Gavin a complex or anything, but Viv has been beating him on most things. Here's the breakdown:

First consistent eye contact: Vivian by a long shot
First to be able to eat on own (without a feeding tube): Vivian
First to grasp a toy: Vivian
First to sleep through the night: Vivian
First to consistently open hands (they fist them a lot when they're born): Gavin
First to focus on a toy: Vivian
First to lift head up: Vivian
First to get first cold: Gavin
First to like the bath: Gavin
First to bring hands to mouth: Vivian
First to suck a thumb: Vivian
First to roll over: Gavin
First to react to mom or dad's face: Vivian
First smile: Gavin
First laugh: Gavin
First to "coo": Vivian

Okay, so that's Gavin 6 and Vivian 10. Not like we're keeping score or anything.


Anonymous said...

Gavin is beating her in size and weight! Gotta count for something!!

;) Steph

The Bluvas Blog said...

hilarious! i love that they are all developmental milestones except for Gavin getting a cold--something he can look back on and be proud of : )