Wednesday, September 2, 2009

She's a Morning Person

Vivian is a morning person. She wakes up to eat around 6am. She begins to fall back asleep while you're feeding her. But don't be fooled. She's just resting; taking a cat-nap.
Gavin is also usually awake and ready to eat around 6am. And, while he's finishing a bottle, he also falls asleep. But he stays asleep.

After their early morning feeding, we try to get them to go back to sleep for 1-2 hours by all getting in our bed and cuddling. This works with Gavin. He falls right back asleep in one of our arms. Vivi, on the other hand, will pretend to be asleep for 5-10 minutes. Then, she'll wake up, look around, and get rather perturbed by the fact that she's awake and everyone else is asleep. She then proceeds to squirm and fuss until someone takes her out of the bedroom and plays with her. So, at 6:25am, that's what I'm doing; bouncing Vivi while singing to her and writing this post. She definitely takes after me- when she's awake, she's awake. We love our little morning person.

1 comment:

Pants said...

Oh, those mornings. I don't know how you do it.