Sunday, September 6, 2009

She's a Werewolf

Vivi is a werewolf. Her fingernails grow faster than any other human being on this planet. I know, I know, babies' nails grow fast. But, you have to remember that we have another little one to compare her to and we've come to the conclusion that Vivi is *special*. Her nails (and recently her hair too) grow so fast that we have to snip them 3-4 times a week or else she scratches herself. It's ridiculous. And, it's been this way since she was born. We didn't even cut Gavin's nails for the first time until he was around 2-3 weeks old. Viv's, on the other hand, had been trimmed 3 times by then. I'll snip them on Monday morning and by Tuesday night, they look like they could use a good filing. We love her adult-like lady fingers and gloriously long nails, but we fear that this peculiarity of hers may cause silver bullets to be pointed in her direction (you know, cause she's a werewolf! work with me people!).

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