Saturday, September 12, 2009

Date Night

On our 2 year wedding anniversary, Wes and I decided that it was time to take the kids out to a restaurant, for dinner, with other people around, in public.

Mostly because we wanted to celebrate our big day, but also because we were curious to see how they would act. They both fell asleep on the car ride over. When we arrived, we told the server that we may need the check at any moment. She laughed, "is this the first time they've been out to eat?" "Yep," we said in unison. We got a corner booth and put a babe on each side.

Vivi slept the whole time.
Gavin slept through ordering and salads.
But then he was awake and wanted to get out of the car seat. Surprisingly, he was calm and quiet for the rest of dinner. He took turns sitting on my lap and Wes' lap.
Overall, it wasn't as scary as we thought it would be.

1 comment:

Elizabeth and Mark said...

Yay! Good job Gav and Viv! Jennie--next time you need a date night the Williams clan will come over for a few hours. I'm sure that Grace can entertain the babes :)