Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas Morning

This year, we decided to spend Christmas morning in Lafayette. We opened presents, played with them, and watched Guys and Dolls. Then, we were on the road to MD by 1pm (more on that adventure in a later post). Before we walked out the door, we attempted to get a family xmas picture...
Attempt #1: G & V weren't looking.


Attempt #2: G & V were looking at the dog.


Attempt #3: The dog was facing us instead of the camera.


So we said "screw the dog" and I think we got it on this last one. Or at least got close to "it".

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

All Day I Dream About...

Sweatsuits. Adidas sweatsuits to be exact.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

They're Remote Control Freaks

V & G are both remote control freaks.
They are completely obsessed with them.

Monday, December 21, 2009


Gavin & Vivian went to the doctor today and were weighed.

The results? Brace yourself:

Vivian weighs 19 lbs 7 ounces!


Gavin weighs 19 lbs 12 ounces!


20lbs here we come!

Better Late Than Never

I completely forgot to write a post about Thanksgiving!
Well, here ya go...

For G & V's first Thanksgiving, Wes' Mom and brother made the 11 hour drive out to Lafayette from Maryland. During their trip, we had a lot of fun playing on the floor with the twins, going shopping on Black Friday, and watching movies when G & V were sleeping. On Thanksgiving day, the babes ate sweet potatoes for the first time (see episode 3 of Top Chef: Lafayette).

Gav & Daddy had fun hanging out on the couch together.

Vivian enjoyed reading a TON of books with Grandma.
They both LOVE books.
And Philip even let Gavin play with his iTouch for a little bit. Sike. But Gavin was highly fascinated by it.
Overall, it was a great few days with family. We're excited to see you all again in a few days for Christmas!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sitting Up

They're getting better at sitting up everyday...

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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Friday, December 18, 2009

Update to "He's a Trouble Maker"

Since we last posted about Gavin's trouble-making tendencies, which was only 2 days ago, he's "pulled up" to a few more things with plans to eat and/or destroy them.

First, he attacked the straps to their portable feeding seats.

Then, he assaulted the vase of orange sticks in the living room.

And last, but not least, he roughed up the Christmas tree.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

She's a Fish

Vivian is a fish. She does this cute little movement whenever she's trying to get to something and it just happens to look like she's swimming. She looks at Gavin moving all over the place and then she tries, except she doesn't get anywhere. Viv really wishes she could be part of his world...

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Vivian's Hair

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He's a Trouble Maker

Gavin is a bit of a trouble maker. He's figured out that he can "drive" his car over to things that he wants to touch. And then touch them. About a week ago, I went into the kitchen because Gavin was being way too quiet. When I found him, he was concentrating. He had driven his car up to the kitchen table, grabbed ahold of the table cloth, and was pulling with all of his might! The good news is that I grabbed him before he succeed at making everything crash onto the floor (our kitchen table tends to be a dumping ground for many miscellaneous items in our house). Needless to say, we don't have a table cloth on our kitchen table anymore. Then, just yesterday, he was being quiet again. I realized this and began looking for him. He had run into the trash can in the kitchen and pulled it towards him, reaching his hands inside. Gross! Wes has also caught him in the living room (the fanci-er one that we don't really sit in anymore) pulled up in front of the coffee table reaching for the big glass bowl full of nice-smelling-thingys. But, his favorite thing to drive up to is definitely the diaper bag that hangs on the closet door knob. He gets close, pulls on it, and tries to take stuff out of it. He's not much of a serious trouble-maker as of yet, but we have a sneaking suspicion that his trouble-making tendencies will soon become more habitual.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

She's a Tongue-Smiler

Viv is a tongue-smiler (if there is such a thing). In recent weeks, she's began sticking her tongue almost every time she smiles. It's super cute.
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Monday, December 14, 2009

Sunday, December 13, 2009


As many of you know, I'm completely obsessed with cutting my hair, well at least I used to be. In an average year (besides 2009), I have been known to get my hair cut between 8 and 13 times, usually changing the actual hairstyle 1-3 times. This year has been a bit different. I haven't gotten a hair cut since February and its killing me! I thought I could go a whole year without cutting it, but I've officially reached my breaking point. So, I'm going to my hairdresser this week. The only problem is that I now have so much hair to work with (it actually fits into a pony tail!) that I don't know where to start. I have a few ideas, but nothing's been decided. This is where YOU come in. I need your help! What should I do? Here are the options:

Option 1: Trim & Bangs
First, I was thinking that I could just trim my hair a little, giving it more shape, and then get bangs-- long, sweepy bangs.

Options 2: Re-do an Old Do
Second, I could easily just cut my hair like I have in the past. Many of my hair styles in the last few years have been some version of this:

Option 3: Go Shorter
Lastly, I could chop it all off. Something like one of Rihanna's latest styles or like one of these top model contestants:
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What do you think? I'm so over my current hair situation.

Follow Up to "Last Night..."

Remember that terrible night from last week? Well, that next day Viv still didn't want to go to sleep. She stayed awake until about 1pm, at which point she just fell asleep on the floor in mid-play.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Grad Student Holiday Party

Last night, we went to the graduate student holiday party. It was great to get out of the house and hang out with some people I haven't seen in awhile. Viv enjoyed sitting with Pam and reading the menus.
And Gav liked sitting in his daddy's lap watching everyone around him.
We tried a few times to get a picture with all of the department kids who were there.
And we actually managed to get a family pic!