Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Just My Luck

I've been interviewing yesterday and today at JMU for a tenure-track position (for all of the non-academics: a better position than the one I have now).

Well, yesterday was great. I had a teaching presentation in the morning and then several interviews through out the day. When I got home last night, I was exhausted and I fell asleep around 8:15pm.

And let me tell you, I was very lucky that I did. Then, around 11:30, Vivian woke up coughing and coughing. See was quickly soothed and went back to sleep. Then, around 12:30am, Mr. Gavin woke up. Gavin, the kid who hardly ever wakes up in the middle of the night, woke up and was pitching a bit of a fit about needing me and wanting milk. So, I asked Wes to go downstairs and bring him a cup of milk. When Wes brought it in the bedroom, Gavin FLIPPED out. Yelling about how HE wanted to go downstairs to get it and how Daddy should not have done it for him. I took Gavin out of the room to try and calm him down. We sat on my bed and he continued to carry on for the next 10 minutes about needing to go downstairs (with only me, of course). I obliged and we went downstairs. I turned on the TV and Wes got him a piece of apple (his fav snack as of late). I tried to lay down, but he kept yelling, "No Mom! You sit up right now! No sleep!"


I sat up and watched a 30-minute show with him before I started to fall asleep sitting up. About 15 minutes later, I tried to lay down next to him on the couch and he didn't say anything. Wes had to go back upstairs to deal with a coughing little girl around 1:30 and then I drifted off with the intention of taking Gavin back upstairs "in a few minutes." Well, I woke up to wide-awake Gavin asking me for more milk. When I looked at the clock, it was 2:30am! I filled up his milk cup and took him up into his room. I told him that I would sleep with him if he would go to sleep quickly.

Then, he just continued to chat with me about a variety of things for the next 30 minutes. He wasn't yelling or screaming, but just talking. It was like he couldn't turn off that little mind of his. 

Around 3am, he finally fell asleep. Then, I fell asleep a few minutes later.

At 5:30am, I felt a tug on my leg. It was Wes telling me that my alarm (the one I set for Day 2 of my "big interview") was going off. We switched places and I got ready for the day.

Of course this happened. It's just my luck that the night where I desperately needed sleep was interrupted for several hours by the child who almost always sleeps! Go figure.

1 comment:

ashley.and.graham said...

how did day 2 go??? keep me posted if you can