Friday, January 30, 2009

It's Official

Yesterday morning, I woke up and felt a little poke in my side. I didn't think anything of it and continued snuggling with Toto in bed. A few minutes later, I felt it again! Then, it completely stopped and I didn't feel anything else. I thought that it might have been Ralph, but I still wasn't sure. The entire day passed with no punching, no kicking, no movement.

Later that evening, we ate dinner, I laid on the couch, and then I felt it again! This time, I knew it was Ralph. Ralph continued to kick and punch and swim for the next ten minutes. It was glorious. Wes and I are so excited to see what's next...

(click here to read the story of Ralph)


Rebecca Dohrman said...

How wonderful! I am so thrilled for you. What a special day.....that little baby is already loved so much!!

Elizabeth and Mark said...

Isn't that the best feeling ever! Congrats! Can't wait to meet you Ralph :)