No, this is not another post about pee.
Yesterday, we took the kids to Lafayette's little zoo. It's adorable. Anytime anyone comes to visit us in Indiana, we go (as long as it's open). Right when you walk in, there are a few little fountains and kids are always playing in them. In fact, many people bring their kids already in their bathing suits and let them play in the fountains for hours. Anywho, we took Gavin and Vivian to the zoo for their birthday in the beginning of the month, but it was too cold to play in the water. Yesterday, it was 90 degrees. Perfect. The only problem was that both kids were really apprehensive about diving in. They wanted to be held the whole time and were not interested in touching the water at all. Vivian even cried a little.

But after we looked at all of the animals at the zoo (post to come), we returned to the water on our way out. This time, Gavin wasn't messing around. He saw the other kids having fun and decided that it was high time for him to get wet.

He walked straight into the fountain several times (pulling Wes in with him) and got completely SOAKED.

Vivi, on the other hand, was still a bit anxious (see how she's clenching onto Wes' clothes in the second photo- she was less-than-happy about the situation).

For some reason, Gavin looks upset in this photo below, which is hilarious to us because he was desperately pulling Wes to go in the water. I guess he was also a little scared.

In the end, Viv got to ride home in dry clothes while Gav had to ride home in wet clothes. But he didn't seem to mind.