Wednesday, February 3, 2010

101 in 1001

Like many other bloggers, I've decided to make a list of 101 things I would like to accomplish in 1001 days (approximately 2.75 years). So, I joined the Day Zero Project.

Start: February 3, 2010
Finish: November 1, 2012

White = Haven't started
Purple = Workin' on it
Blue = Done! (p.s. you can click on the completed tasks to read the post about it)

  1. get a pedicure
  2. plant a tree
  3. watch the sunrise
  4. help a stranger
  5. buy a new house
  6. pay off student loans
  7. swim in the atlantic ocean
  8. ride a roller coaster
  9. make fondue
  10. go barefoot for a day
  11. have a picnic
  12. write a book
  13. publish that book
  14. host a dinner party
  15. shop at a farmer's market
  16. go bowling
  17. get a massage
  18. write a letter to myself to open in 10 years
  19. build a sandcastle
  20. get a manicure
  21. take an art class
  22. put change in someone's expired parking meter
  23. graduate
  24. make a cake from scratch
  25. get my hair professionally colored
  26. get professional black and white boudoir photos done
  27. eat a meal inside a blanket fort
  28. write a living will
  29. finish my dissertation
  30. get a job i love
  31. move closer to family
  32. buy a new mac
  33. teach my twins to talk
  34. do some decoupage
  35. create and teach a new course
  36. win an award
  37. throw a party for someone
  38. create a photographic journal for one week
  39. start a holiday tradition
  40. get on the radio
  41. make a new dish once a week for two months
  42. go to the zoo
  43. go to a water park
  44. visit a friend in another state
  45. go to a wine vineyard
  46. publish a journal article
  47. see a drive-in movie
  48. sing karaoke at a bar
  49. paint some pottery
  50. write a rosier rundown post everyday for a month
  51. write a jen's love lessons post at least once a week for 1001 days
  52. go to a comedy show
  53. get a new passport
  54. have another girl's weekend
  55. finish collecting data for my dissertation
  56. walk across the stage at graduation
  57. travel to at least five states
  58. swim in lake michigan
  59. eat a funnel cake
  60. send a different person a card once a month for a year
  61. write a letter to each of my kids to read when they're older
  62. leave an inspirational note inside a book for someone to find
  63. try 5 new restaurants
  64. eliminate all clothing that does not currently fit
  65. give flowers to someone
  66. give to goodwill
  67. volunteer somewhere
  68. bake something for a friend
  69. eat absolutely no fast food for a month
  70. get dental work done
  71. go to a festival
  72. go to a county fair
  73. carve a pumpkin
  74. dye eggs
  75. make a gingerbread house
  76. make a list of 101 things that make me happy
  77. finish our wedding scrapbook
  78. finish steph's wedding scrapbook
  79. make a dress for vivi and a cape for gavin
  80. paint the walls at our new house
  81. take a photo of every goal completed
  82. take the kids to the park
  83. go to a children's museum
  84. go to a book signing
  85. get my wedding dress professionally cleaned
  86. plan a family vacation
  87. help a couple improve their communication skills
  88. write a proposal for a textbook and send it to a publisher
  89. get at least 100 followers on jen's love lessons
  90. throw a dinner party
  91. go to a dinner theater
  92. play miniature golf
  93. buy a new phone
  94. pick produce at an orchard/farm
  95. buy a new desk
  96. make a gift
  97. play in a baby pool
  98. get endnote and create a library
  99. make rosier rundown blog book
  100. put $5 in a savings account every time i achieve a goal on this list
  101. take the kids on a walk for at least 20 days in a 30 day period this summer

Wish me luck!

Wanna join me in my quest?
Click HERE to create your own list!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love so many things on this list and I can't wait to help you check a bunch of these off the list!!