Monday, February 1, 2010

They're a Couple of Caged Animals

My mom and grandmother recently sent us a cage for the babies. I know this sounds terrible, but caging up our children has been awesome! Sometimes we sit in there with them and sometimes we just let them do their thing. Interestingly, they actually interact with each other more now that we have the cage. They take toys from each other, crawl around, play together, play by themselves, and generally have a really good time in there. Gavin especially likes to pull himself up to stand using the cage to balance.

The funniest part is when they decide to both play in a very small portion of the rather large play area. It's hilarious to us that they have all this room, but they both want to play together in one of the corners.
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So far, this cage has been wonderful! And I'm sure we'll continue to enjoy it, until they figure out how to get out of course.

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