Wednesday, January 11, 2012

She's a Late Talker

While Gavin's been talking up a storm for several moths now, Viv has been keeping quite for the most part. Apparently, she was just waiting for something important to say.

Like many of their developments (ex: crawling, walking, etc.), Gavin usually learns to do something first, but Viv tends to learn the behavior much faster. For instance, Gavin started really trying to crawl around 5.5 months and then wasn't actually successful until 7 months. Vivi, on the other hand, started to try around 7 months and then actually did it only a few weeks later.

The same thing happened with walking.

And it seems that it has happened with talking as well. Gavin has been jabber-jawing for what seems like forever. And, Vivi has been quietly listening. Let me clarify: she hasn't been silent by any means, just way less talkative than the never quiet Mr. Gavin. 

What does this say about our twins? I've come to a few conclusions. First, Gavin is either more capable than Vivian when it comes to this kind of stuff or he's just too damn impatient to wait until he's ready. Second, Vivian is either less capable than Gavin or she's smarter than him; waiting until she figures out how she's going to achieve her goals before she takes action. 

Anyhow, Little Miss Viv's minimal speech phase is officially over. In the last few weeks, Vivi has really started talking and talking and talking about anything and everything. It seems like she doesn't stop, with one long stream of consciousness. She also HIGHLY enjoys repeating sentences that we say that she thinks are funny. Some of her favorite things to say these days include: 
  • "Oh No!!!"
  • "Silly, Mom/Dad/Budder!"
  • "What are you doing?"
  • "Budder taking my [fill-in-the-blank]!"
  • "Dis too hard, Dad!" (To which we respond with "You can try harder, Viv.")
  • "Hold on! I be right back!"
Vivi has also gotten really good at being funny. And it's not that we just think she's funny either. She knows she's being funny, too. We know that she knows because she laughs hilariously afterwards or she'll even say "I so funny!" right after that funny statement. Here are a few examples:

  • Viv: "Mom, I need snack."
  • Me: "Okay, I'll give you a snack if you tell me your whole name."
  • Viv: "No!"
  • Me: "C'mon, say your whole name."
  • Viv: "WHOLE NAME! Hahahahahahahaha!"

  • Viv: "You bad, Mom."
  • Me: "What? Why?"
  • Viv: "You bad boi!"
  • Me: "Why, Viv?"
  • Viv: (while smiling) "You time-out now!"

She's also really good at tattle-tailing (on her Budder, of course), repeating, bossing, and whining. I guess the days of quiet car rides, mealtimes, and shopping trips are officially over.

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