Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Story of Chocolate Marker

When we were pregnant with the twins, we didn't share their names (or any name ideas we had) prior to their birth. Instead, we decided to name them "The Ralphs" so that we didn't have to keep saying "the babies, the babies, the babies" or "the twins, the twins, the twins." We chose the name Ralph because of my dad. And you can read the full story HERE.

Well, this time around, we wanted to do the same thing (i.e. come up with some name for the baby while not sharing our real potential baby names). So naturally, we decided to let our 2.5 year-old twins figure it out.

We told them that we were going to have another baby a few months ago and recently asked them what they thought the name should be. Gavin immediately yelled, "Chocolate!" and Vivi quickly followed with, "Marker!" Thus, we will be calling baby #3 "Chocolate Marker" on the blog until he or she is born. 

We know it's ridiculous, but we love it.

1 comment:

ashley.and.graham said...

If you ever want to switch it up, you could go with Coco Mark ... has a nice little ring to it :)