Thursday, January 12, 2012

He's a Naked Man

If he could have it his way, Gavin would be completely naked (or at least pants-less) every single second of the day. In fact, we find him completely naked several times a day.

Just last week, Wes put the kiddos to bed. When he came downstairs, Gavin started yelling at the door for him to return. He only yelled out twice, so we ignored it. Then, it was quiet. They went to sleep.

About 30 minutes later, Wes went back upstairs to move Gavin in case he had fallen asleep on the floor at their bedroom door (which he does 1-3 times a week). When he opened the door, Gavin was not only not at the door, but he was in his bed with his head actually on his pillow (which is a great feat for Mr. G). The only problem was that he was completely naked.

He also loves de-robing during the day in another room (for ex: the playroom while we are in the living room) and then running back into wherever we are yelling, "TA-DA!"

Still there are other times when he plays quietly in another room after stripping down to nothing for several minutes until we realize how unusually quiet he's being and find him in-the-buff.

In fact, just last night I politely asked Gavin to NOT take his pants off. He did it anyway and so I asked him to keep his diaper on. He responded by yelling, "No, Mom! I love my penis!"

Come to think of it, he's always hated clothes.

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