Saturday, January 21, 2012

Half Way There

Today marks the end of my 20th week of pregnancy; half way to the end! And this time around, things are a bit different.

For instance, I had more uncomfortable symptoms during the first half of my last pregnancy than I have had with this one. With the twins, I was nauseous, exhausted, plagued by terrible headaches and toothaches on a daily basis, experiencing charlie horses at night, and had severe digestive pains. Luckily (ha!), I've only really been ridiculously tired the whole time and a little nauseous in the beginning. Well, I did have a doozy of a charlie horse the other night, but I'm hoping it's the only one for a while.

As for cravings, those are about the same. I never (and still haven't) craved anything out of the ordinary or weird. Instead, I tend to crave things that I already like and would likely eat regularly, but I just seem to really want/need it right then and there. Like last time around, I really LOVE oranges and orange juice. In fact, I think I eat 2-5 clementines a day. They are soooo good. Other than that, I just tend to crave different things at different times; nothing else is consistent.

I also feel and look just about as big as I was at 20 weeks during my last pregnancy. I'll start with the side profiles soon. I promise.

Something else that's different is feeling Chocolate Marker move around. I started feeling him/her about 2 weeks ago. But I didn't feel the Ralphs until week 21.

In other related news, we have our second ultrasound on Wednesday and we're very excited to see little Chocolate Marker again. He or she will be joining this crazy crew in no time!

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