Thursday, January 5, 2012

Toy Story 3

Last night, we strapped the kiddos into their chairs, fed them their dinner, and turned on Toy Story 3. Unlike our last attempt at a movie night, this time, G & V were really into it. They LOVE this movie! They watched while eating their dinner and then got out of their chairs (at which point we were sure they would leave the room and not care about the movie anymore). To our surprise, they sat on the couch, ate a popsicle for desert and watched the rest of the movie!

Here's a video clip of G & V watching the opening scene (before all of the credits) of the movie. If you haven't seen it, the beginning is very adventurous and interesting. As you'll see, Viv was really into it.

My favorites:
"He coming," said by Gavin around the 39-second mark.
"OH NO!" said several times by Vivi.

(and yes, they are snorting after they see the pig)

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