For the Fourth of July, we (Grandma, Uncle Phlip, Wes, me, Gavin, & Vivian) went to the Lafayette water park Tropicanoe Cove. It was SOOOO much fun! It was so much fun that we didn't take any photos until after we got out of the water.
We started off the day in the lazy river. Gavin went with Wes and Vivi went with me in separate inner-tubes. Gav loved every second with his Daddy. Vivi, on the other hand, was very scared and clung to me for the majority of the ride. Then, we took them to the "kiddie" area. There were sprinklers, fountains, and huge umbrellas. The pool started off only about 3 inches and made it's way to about 3 feet. Gavin and Vivi were both VERY scared at first. There was a lot going on. Gavin quickly got over his fear and tried to get out of Wes' arms. Wes put him down in a sitting position and he immediately stood up and started walking. Meanwhile, Vivian continued to hold onto me very tightly. Gavin was hilarious. He had no fear. He would just start walking and when he fell face first into the water, one of us would pick him up, he would blow water out of his nose, and then SMILE! He wasn't just okay with falling into the water and almost drowning himself; he was happy about it! He must have walked around for 30 minutes, loving every minute of it. The babes watched while I went down one of the small slides and Wes and Philip did this walking-across-floating-logs-while-holding-onto-ropes thing. We then went for a few more trips around the lazy river before sitting down for some snacks, water, and clothes changes.

#43, check!
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