Saturday, February 19, 2011

Funny Stories

The other day, Gavin woke up at 4:45 in the morning screaming and carrying on. I went to get him in hopes that he had not already woken up Vivian. He didn't. She was still asleep. Phew! So I scooped up Gavin and brought him into the living room, turned on Sesame Street, and tried to get him to lay down on the couch with me. He wasn't having it. He was awake. So he jumped off the couch and started playing with his toys. I fell back asleep. Around 6am, I woke up to Vivian yelling "Mamaaaaa!" in her room. As I got up, I looked for Gavin. He was sitting behind the chairs playing with a ball. He was also completely naked. Well, not completely naked. He had shoes on. Somehow he had unzipped his footsie pajamas, wiggled his way out of them, found matching shoes, and put them on the correct feet. That boy is ridiculous.


Another day this past week, Vivian woke up in the middle of the night with what had to be a nightmare (she's prone to those). She was terrified. I rocked her back to sleep for about 30 minutes and then tried to put her back in her crib. Let me first say that I really thought she was completely asleep. She was totally limp and she had already spit out her paci. But, the second I started to lower her into her crib, I heard a tiny little voice whisper, "No no Mama, no no." I had to bite my lip to not laugh out loud. It was hilarious.

1 comment:

The Bluvas Blog said...

How sweet!

we give kate time outs occasionally when she purposefully goes after a hot oven or stands on a chair when she knows she's not suppose to (with a devious smile--she knows : ). Time out consists of 30 seconds or so on my lap facing a door or something else not entertaining. She has begun craning her head to look up at me and say "HI!!!" repeatedly with a big smile during this. It is so difficult not to crack up.