Monday, November 18, 2013

Mommy-Daughter Day

A couple of Tuesdays ago, the twins' school was closed due to a power outage. So I decided to take Vivian with me to work while Wes stayed with the boys. 

Vivian was amazing. She was well-behaved, polite, and adorable. 

The cuteness started on the walk to work (we live about 3 blocks from my office). While holding hands, Vivi said to me, "Mama? At lunch time, can I sit at your table?" I know, it was precious. 

She continued to ask me questions like, "What is your teacher like?" and "Where is your class?" It was a fun-filled day. 

We started off with about an hour in my office. I got ready for my first class while Vivi drew, wrote her name, and used my stapler. 

Then we went to three classes back to back. In two classes, she sat up front behind the computer while I taught, but in one class, she sat in a real desk with my students. 

She thought she was so grown up the whole day. In fact, when we were leaving my office to go to my first class, I asked her if she wanted to bring her baby doll or Elmo book bag. At this point, she had already seen college students and she quickly realized that in order to fit in, she needed to act a certain way. She quickly answered my question with, "No, Mom. I don't want to bring that stuff. I'll just bring my notebook, pen, and lip gloss." This one is observant. 

We had a break for lunch. Naturally, we watched a Strawberry Shortcake movie on my computer while we ate. By the way, she thought this was VERY special. 
(Note the pen and gloss on the pad of paper.)

When we walked home at the end of the day, I asked her what she liked most about our day. She replied, "Everything!"

1 comment:

The Bluvas Blog said...

That is so adorable. I love Vivi! I wish so badly we could get our little girls together.