Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sippy Cups for Everyone!

Paxton is a toddler who understands everything, can't communicate (with words) very much, and insists on being equal with his siblings. Everything must be equal.

Gavin and Vivian get a snack, Pax needs a snack. Gavin and Vivian are using a yellow fork, Paxton needs a yellow fork (a blue one will not suffice). Gavin and Vivian get a present from someone, you better believe it that Pax needs a present, too.

This brings me to the point of this post: sippy cups. As of late, all of the children in our house are using sippy cups. While Paxton is fully capable of drinking out of a normal cup, we don't like to let him walk around the house or sit in the living room with one. And even when we let him have a big boy cup at dinner, it ends up being poured on the table (purposefully) about 70% of the time. Thus, Paxton needs a sippy cup. This means that in order to avoid a complete meltdown from Paxton, Gavin and Vivian need sippy cups as well. So we're back to the land of sippy cups. The twins don't seem to mind. For now.

1 comment:

The Bluvas Blog said...

We're in the same boat. TJ started calling his youngest, "Even Steven" when he began insisting on being equal with his siblings.