Wednesday, December 10, 2014

He's Developed a Stutter

Paxton is following in his brother's footsteps in many ways. He is adventurous, wants to climb everything, talks nonstop, is hilarious, is a pickier eater than Vivian, is messier than Vivian, and just like his older brother at 2.5, Pax has developed a stutter.

Just the other day, Vivian said to me, "Why can't I understand Paxton anymore? I could a few weeks ago, but not lately. What is he saying?!"

It's because the poor kid is having an extremely difficult time getting a sentence out. Gavin went through a stuttering phase for about 6 months when he was around Paxton's age. It's adorable to me and Wes, but it can be incredibly frustrating for little Doots. But like many of the crazy childhood phases we've experienced in the Rosier house, this too will pass.

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