Monday, April 20, 2015

"F" is "F," but "FL" becomes "PL"

Paxton is a funny little talker. And just like his big brother (who used to replace any "ck" sound that was in the middle of a word- like "cracker"- with a "y" sound), he has an interesting way of sounding things out. My favorite right now is how he changes any "fl" sound to "pl", even though he is perfectly fine making an "f" sound by itself. So, while he is perfectly clear when he says "funny" or "five", if he has to say "floor" or "flower," the words sound like "ploor" and "plower." It's adorable.

1 comment:

The Bluvas Blog said...

Love! Jack says (or has said) b sounds for m (e.g., Scooby for excuse me and tubby for tummy) and s sounds for h (e.g., souse for house and sourse for horse). I miss it!