Saturday, August 28, 2010

Back East

Over the last few weeks, Wes and I have had many experiences which have clearly reminded us that we are definitely back on the East Coast. We were very spoiled living in the South and Mid West for the last six years in a variety of ways. And moving back East has not been as pleasant as we thought it would be. So, we've been compiling a list of our experiences. Enjoy.

You know you're back on the East Coast when...
  • no one talks to you in line at the grocery store, or anywhere at any store.
  • you're in the waiting room at the doctor's office for what seems like an hour.
  • you have the pleasure of interacting with at least 10 rude people each and every day.
  • the large majority of people do not leave their purses in their cart at the store- even if they are only walking 2 feet away from it.
  • you actually have to wait in line at a store.
  • the cable guy wants to rip you off by saying that he needs to charge you $35 to literally connect the cable wire to connector on the television (Wes and I were perfectly capable of screwing in the wire ourselves).
  • you rarely get the door held open for you.
  • you hear silence when you hold the door open for someone else.
  • the woman at McDonald's gives you major attitude over the intercom when you ask for a chocolate milkshake without any strawberry in it (because I clearly had strawberry in my chocolate milkshake 3 times prior to that visit).
  • the woman at McDonald's gives you major attitude over the intercom when you use the term "scrambled egg" instead of "folded egg".
  • drivers cut you off on a daily basis.
  • the doctor comes in the examination room, stands by the door, does not even look at your child, gives you a diagnosis (purely based on your description given to the nurse), argues with you when you have concerns, and then leaves after only being in the room for 2.5 minutes and not interacting with your child at all.

What happened to that small town charm people always talk about? Isn't that the point of a smaller city? Where did all of the nice people go?


Elizabeth and Mark said...

Hmmmm...sounds like a little bit of you misses Indiana :-) I know it misses you!

ashley.and.graham said...

Well, while we were out running errands the other day ... 1 man at the post office in line with us told me E would definitely be a highstepper after he saw her trying to kick the rope barricade, 2 ladies at the bank couldn't get over how cute her new converse shoes were, and no less that 3 people commented on how much fun she was having at target on our date last night. oh, and two different people waved me in front of them on the one block of busy street between our street and the gas station. I think this means y'all just need to come visit baton rouge to get your southern fix for a while :)