Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Our pediatrician, many google searches, and a lot of our family and friends all told us that the move would be difficult on Vivi and Gavin. We knew that it would be hard. Our doctor specifically said something to the effect of, "They will regress in more ways than one." Well, we're here. The move is over. And while they have not regressed to their infant days, they are definitely doing a few things differently.

For example, Gavin has always been a good cuddler, but he's never wanted to be held during the day very often- he's busy and has a lot of things to do. Over the last couple of weeks though, Gavin has asked to be picked up (by walking over to us, lifting his arms up towards us, and grunting or whining) at least 10-15 times a day. Vivian has always wanted to be picked from time to time, so her asking for a little more love isn't much of a surprise.

Another example is that Vivi, our anti-pacifier baby (since she was about 3 months old!), has been picking up Gavin's pacis and walking around with them in her mouth. It's really weird to see her with a paci in her mouth. We just say to her, "That's Gavin's paci; you don't like the pacis." To which she usually goes and gives it back to Gavin or throws it on the ground.

As another result of the changes going on, they are also both a bit more whiny than usual. But this tends to be remedied by a little extra hugging and cuddling- no complaints here!

And probably the worst part of the move is that they have reverted back to their bad sleeping habits from a few months ago (The last month or so in Lafayette was wonderful with both babies sleeping 10-11 hours straight without any interruptions- almost every night). While Gavin seems to be better off than Viv (G has been sleeping 10-11 hours straight on most nights and Viv has woken up once every night except for one or two), both babes have taken turns waking up screaming bloody murder. When we go into their room to see what's wrong, they seem really scared. We're hoping that this will pass soon. It probably isn't going to help that we're trying to also phase out their bedtime bottles this week. Hopefully we'll have a couple of no-bottle-drinking babes who sleep through the night again by the time I start work at the end of the month. Finger's crossed!

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