Friday, October 15, 2010

Chicks Dig It

This past Wednesday was just like any other Wednesday- Wes was at work, I was holding student meetings, and G & V were at school- except this Wednesday, I received a phone call from one of the twins' teachers. Around 2pm, their main teacher called me in my office.

Angela (their teacher): Hi Jennie.
Me: Oh hi Angie, is something wrong with Vivian? (Vivian had a high fever last weekend and so I thought that the fever may have been back)
Angela: Oh no, Vivian's perfectly fine. I'm actually calling about your son.
Me: Shit, does he have a fever now too?
Angela: No no, no fever. I'm afraid that it's a little worse.
Me: What happened?
Angela: Gavin was playing with a toy and well, he cut his face. Really bad. I think you might need to take him to the doctor.
Me: Oh man. Is he okay?
Angela: Oh yeah, he's fine. We just got the bleeding to stop but it's a pretty big cut.
Me: Really Angie? Do you really think I need to take him to the doctor? Why don't you take a picture of it and text it to Wes.
Angela: Okay, will do.

I think she was shocked by how laid back I was about the whole matter, but c'mon, Gavin hurts himself all of the time. And, if he was happy and playing, I didn't want to take him to the doctor unless it was serious. Then, I called Wes to tell him the news. He was going to look at the pic and decide if he thought it was serious and call me back. I went to my faculty meeting (because I didn't think it was going to be that serious). My phone rang a few minutes later. I left the meeting to answer. It was Wes. "Go get him," he said. 

Long story short- Gavin was happy when I picked him up from school, screamed for an entire hour at the doctor's office, needed to be held still for ten whole minutes so that the liquid numbing medicine could be held on his face, needed to be pinned down by a few talented people so that he could receive his THREE stitches, and then was happy as a clam the rest of the night until bedtime. Not surprisingly, Miss Vivian was not phased by any of this. She happily sat in the doctor's office playing with all of the goodies in my purse. As we were leaving, Wes was walking with Gavin and I overheard him say, "Don't worry Gav, chicks dig scars." Priceless.

Wes and I knew that this day (where Gavin needed stitches) would come, but we didn't think it would be this soon! Seriously, who gets stitches before their 18-month birthday?!


Maren said...

Nice. I dig the stitches. (Just in time for Halloween!)

Spencer broke his first bone just before he was 18 months old, so Gavin is in good company. :)

BTW, what toy was he playing with that cut him like that?!

gina said...

So sorry this happened, but he does look rather cool! A true stud! I love keeping up on your funny how I didn't spend much time with you, but still feel connected because of this blog. Such a great family.

Jennie said...

@Maren- i don't even know how to explain the toy. but, it didn't have any blood on it, so they couldn't tell which part of it make the cut. oh well.

@Gina- i feel the same way! and btw, while we were at the doctor's office, there was a little boy there named camden! of course, i told his mom that i knew someone else named camden, yadda yadda yadda. love watching your blue-eyed babe on your blog as well!

The Bluvas Blog said...

poor Gavin! I'm curious about the toy too. So glad he's okay! : )