Sunday, April 28, 2013

He's Door-Obsessed

Paxton is oddly obsessed with opening and closing doors. Closet doors, the front door, the mailbox door, the playhouse door, and all of the gate doors in our house. He loves 'em all. He likes to sit next to them or stand up next to them and swing them open and closed. He likes to control who can go through doorways, giggling as he opens the door for one sibling and not the other. He checks the mailbox everyday and squeals when he slams it down. He also closes the front door every morning as Gavin and Vivian leave for school. But his most favorite thing to do is to open and close the gates that are there to keep him in or out of a room in our house. We've even caught him standing "in" the gate and swinging on it as it opens. Crazy kid.

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