Saturday, April 20, 2013

Jam-Packed Weekend

A couple weekends ago, we had a crazy, jam-packed few days. It all started on Friday when Wes and his mom chaperoned the twins' field trip to the animal safari! And Paxton came along for the ride.

They got home around 5:30 and I joined them to go to the Children's Museum downtown.

We then went to Chick Fil-A for dinner and some playtime after that.
Needless to say, all three kids were ridiculously tired after that whirlwind of a day.

On Saturday, we went shopping at Costco and Big Lots in the morning, had lunch outside at a local Harrisonburg landmark of sorts (a grilled cheese shack), and played in the back yard while I painted a dresser I nabbed the day before from a thrift shop (more to come about that later).
We played outside again and watched a movie on Sunday before Grandma headed back to Maryland.

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