Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Few Paxton Updates

It's been a while since I wrote a post about Paxton's development, measurements, etc (I think the last time was his 12 month birthday, actually). Well, in the last few months, Paxton has changed a lot. Here are the highlights.

I feel like Wes and I are constantly saying to each other, "he really understands us!" And it's true. Paxton seems to comprehend most of what we say to him. He also trying to communicate to us. Whether he's pointing and grunting to let us know that the microwave door is open (the kids seems to hate it when doors are left open) or he's nodding or shaking his head after we ask him something or he's using actual words to tell us something, it seems like he's talking and blabbering all day long. In fact, his vocabulary has started increasing again lately (he definitely took a "listening break" in recent weeks to focus on walking, running, and climbing). His repertoire includes words like: mama, dada, ball, bye-bye, book, baba, this ("Dis"), yeah, more ("Mo"), baby, cheese (which sounds like "CH-SSSS"), and okay. Overall, he's very good at understanding us and it's not too difficult for us to understand him.

Pax has spent the last couple of months perfecting his walking skills, learning to run, and climbing on everything. He's gone from wobbly walking barefoot to being able to run on wood floors in socks. He's also mildly obsessed with trying to get up on the couch, our dining room chairs, and anything else that his siblings regularly get on.

Paxton is a great eater; at least most of the time. He usually eats a wide variety of foods and a lot of it. His absolute favorite foods include pickles, hotdogs, corn on the cob, watermelon, pizza, green beans, and Greek yogurt. Other foods he likes a lot are broccoli, peas, carrots, blueberries, grapes, cheese, french fries, ground beef/hamburgers, and chicken. For some reason, he doesn't like bread or other bread products (weirdo), but he loves meats and veggies. 

Pax is down to one nap a day that starts sometime between 10 and 12 (it really depends on whether the twins are home or at school). And he naps for 1-2 hours. At night, he comes upstairs with the twins to brush teeth, get in PJs, read books, and go to bed. After books, I usually take Paxton to his room to rock him to sleep. He's still waking up once in the middle of the night. One of us will go get him, bring him to our bed, I'll nurse him (Yep! I'm still nursing him!), and he'll go back to sleep til the morning (to be honest, I think he's intentionally waking up so that he can nurse just to get those few minutes of comfort). Wes and I just love sleeping with that little nugget and we hate that our co-sleeping days are numbered. 

That's the update!

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