Monday, September 23, 2013


Two weeks ago, the twins started gymnastics again. They were both very excited about it. But when class started, as we predicted, Vivian was really the only one who was "into it."
I don't know what Gavin's deal is, but he just doesn't seem to be interested in following any of his teachers' instructions.  He's either trying to rebel because he needs more attention or because he's just bored. Last week, I pulled him out and made him sit next to me until he calmed down. I asked him why he didn't want to do what everyone else was doing. He responded, "it's dumb. I'm bored. I don't want to do that part anymore." They switch stations every 7-8 minutes, which you would think would be a short enough time, but he still gets bored. 

Vivian, on the other hand, LOVES all of it. Every single part. She takes it very seriously, follows all directions, and talks about it a lot when we get home. 

I guess we should start looking for something else for G in the spring. 

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