Monday, October 7, 2013

The Life of Doots

Yes, we still call Paxton "Doots"; along with "Doodler," "Mr. McDoodles," and "Nugget." And yes, he's still ridiculously precious. We love him. All of us. 
Paxton loves to play imagination games with Vivian and run and chase games with Gavin (although Gavin ends up hurting him many times, so he tends to play with Vivi more). He loves to do everything his big bro and sis do. He follows them around, copies them constantly, and wants to sit with them on the couch and at the table. He also likes to copy them vocally. For instance, if Gavin screams, Pax screams. If Vivi laughs, Pax laughs (even if he clearly has no idea why she's laughing). 
 Like Vivi, Pax has taken a liking to markers. He must ask to get the dry erase boards and their markers down (by pointing and yelling) at least once a day. Unfortunately, this also means that he has markers in his hands a lot and these markers tend to make their way to his mouth (see above photo).
Pax also watches Gavin (i.e. Daddy's little helper- for everything!) work with Wes on projects and he just has to get right in the middle of it all. He gets very excited when he feels like he's really doing something; like climbing ladders. 
Last, but certainly not least, Paxton is very funny. And he knows it. Whether he's dancing (which is unbelievably adorable), trying to tickle you by just touching any part of your body and saying "ticka ticka ticka," nodding his head and saying "yeah" several dozen times a day (you kinda have to be here for this- it's very funny), or running around the room/house while screaming "YAY!" when something is very exciting to him, this kid is comedy gold. 

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