Sunday, December 28, 2008

What once was a poppy seed

From the size of a poppy seed, to a sweet pea, to a raspberry, to a lime, to a peach, and finally, to the size of an avocado; our little one is growing up fast! 

Yesterday marked the end of my 16th week of pregnancy and we can't believe how quickly the time has flown by. Among other things, our little baby's legs are now longer than his or her arms and s/he is moving those arms and legs frequently (unfortunately, I still can't feel those little movements). The baby's fingernails and toenails are also growing now; and if our little one take after his or her mom at all, s/he'll be biting them off in no time. Interestingly, our baby's eyes are moving now and, though the eyelids are still sealed shut, they are sensitive to light. If we put a flashlight up to my belly, the baby may begin to shield his/her eyes with his/her hands. 

So many changes in so little time.

1 comment:

Rebecca Dohrman said...

Wow,,,16 weeks already. I can't believe your pregnancy is already almost halfway done. I hope you are feeling good.