Sunday, July 12, 2009

First Car Show

On Saturday, July 11, the twins went to their first car show. Of course, Wes and Gavin had to be dressed for the occasion. Gavin wore the onesie that we bought for him to wear home from the hospital. Little did we know how tiny our babes would be. Needless to say, it fits him now!
Vivian and I decided to wear dresses to the event.
We got to see a lot of beautiful and interesting cars. As usual, the twins slept the whole time.
There was even this 4-wheeler with ridiculously big wheels.
This was my fav at the show.
Even though they were asleep, we had a lot of fun at their first car show. Hopefully they'll be awake for their second car show, which happens to be next weekend!

1 comment:

Pants said...

Love the picture with Wes kneeling and holding Gavin. Love it.