Wednesday, December 16, 2009

He's a Trouble Maker

Gavin is a bit of a trouble maker. He's figured out that he can "drive" his car over to things that he wants to touch. And then touch them. About a week ago, I went into the kitchen because Gavin was being way too quiet. When I found him, he was concentrating. He had driven his car up to the kitchen table, grabbed ahold of the table cloth, and was pulling with all of his might! The good news is that I grabbed him before he succeed at making everything crash onto the floor (our kitchen table tends to be a dumping ground for many miscellaneous items in our house). Needless to say, we don't have a table cloth on our kitchen table anymore. Then, just yesterday, he was being quiet again. I realized this and began looking for him. He had run into the trash can in the kitchen and pulled it towards him, reaching his hands inside. Gross! Wes has also caught him in the living room (the fanci-er one that we don't really sit in anymore) pulled up in front of the coffee table reaching for the big glass bowl full of nice-smelling-thingys. But, his favorite thing to drive up to is definitely the diaper bag that hangs on the closet door knob. He gets close, pulls on it, and tries to take stuff out of it. He's not much of a serious trouble-maker as of yet, but we have a sneaking suspicion that his trouble-making tendencies will soon become more habitual.


Mothership Adventures said...

I'll repeat my warning - Word to the wise - try to stay one step ahead.

GOOD LUCK - I've got a feeling you ain't seen nothing yet!

ashley.and.graham said...

hmmmm, does that car come with brakes? :)