Thursday, March 25, 2010

Good Eats

In recent weeks, Gavin and Vivian have been expanding their real-people-food intake. Lately, their all-time favorite foods are: bananas, ritz crackers, and graham crackers. They have also become moderate fans of carrots, pears, and strawberries. And they only mildly like peaches, noodles, and yogurt. Not surprisingly, they really hate green beans and peas.

When it comes to sitting down and eating this stuff, Gavin is a much better eater than Vivian. He will try anything at least 2 or 3 times before refusing it and he'll shove anything in his mouth that he finds remotely appetizing. Viv, on the other hand, will make faces, wince (which is accompanied by a little quiver and is HILARIOUS by the way), and actually cry if you try to make her eat something she has already refused.

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