Thursday, March 11, 2010

Strawberries & Bananas

Gav & Viv have recently begun eating cut up bananas and strawberries. They love eating these two fruits. At least I thought they did. On day one, they both stuffed their faces. On day two, Gavin continued to stuff his face, while Viv ate a few strawberry pieces and then was only really interested in the bananas. Finally on day three, Gavin still loved it all, but Princess Vivian decided that she wanted absolutely nothing to do with anything strawberry and only wanted a little banana. She ate a few pieces of banana and then started fussing. What was she fussing about? I ran down the list. Was she done eating? No. Did she want to get out of her high chair? No. Did she want milk? No. So, I went into the kitchen to get another banana for Pig Gavin and Vivi watched me. Still fussing. As I got close to the microwave, she stopped. Silence. I looked over at her and she was smiling and kicking her feet. "What do you want?" I asked. She just smiled. I turned back around and saw a bag of graham crackers on the microwave. I picked them up, "Do you want these?" More kicking and smiling ensued. As my friend Elizabeth said, "Graham crackers are like baby crack." She's right. I gave Viv a few graham crackers and she stayed in her high chair for another 25 minutes. She LOVES those damn things.

Here's a video of Gav & Viv eating some bananas...

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